Logistic productivity

Traffic congests the last mile causing delays and higher costs; solutions such as optimized routes and microhubs improve efficiency while innovation will be key to fast deliveries.
How does city congestion impact last-mile logistics?

If you've ever been stuck in a traffic jam, you know how frustrating it can be. Now, imagine that situation if you're a deliveryman with dozens of customers waiting for their package. In a world where promptness is key, traffic delays not only affect customer satisfaction, but they also increase operating costs and create enormous logistical challenges.

Traffic is a global problem, but in some cities like London, Mexico City or Bogota, congestion has become part of everyday life. In these metropolises, a 15-minute journey can become an odyssey of hours, affecting people's quality of life and posing an enormous challenge for companies that rely on fast and efficient deliveries.

How does congestion affect last-mile deliveries?

For e-commerce and logistics companies, traffic is much more than a nuisance: It is a factor that directly impacts costs and customer experience. Among the main problems it causes are:

Constant delays: Consumers, who are used to promptness, expect quickly and on time. However, congestion makes delivery times unpredictable, affecting customer satisfaction and generating more complaints.

Increased operating costs: more time on the road means more fuel consumed and more hours of work for delivery people, increasing logistics costs and reducing profit margins for companies.

Inefficiency in route planning: you may have the best distribution strategy on paper, but if traffic is stopped, the entire operation will be affected. Without real-time planning, deliverymen can be stuck with no viable options.

Lower productivity: the more time you waste in traffic, the fewer packages than expected you will deliver on the day, affecting the efficiency of the entire logistics chain.

Impact on brand perception: When a customer receives their package late, they will most likely blame the shipping company or e-commerce, regardless of whether the delay is due to traffic. This can lead to a bad reputation and affect customer loyalty.

Strategies to reduce the impact of last-mile traffic

Fortunately, companies aren't completely at the mercy of traffic. With the right technology and strategies, it is possible to minimize the effects of congestion and improve delivery efficiency.

Real-time route optimization: tools such as Routal they use advanced algorithms to adjust deliveryers' routes according to traffic, avoiding traffic jams and improving delivery times.

Use of urban microhubs: Many companies are implementing small distribution centers within cities to reduce delivery distances and allow more agile vehicles to handle the last few kilometers.

Alternative vehicles: in urban environments, electric bikes, motorcycles and even drones are starting to play an important role in last-mile logistics. These modes of transport can move more easily between traffic and access areas where large vehicles are restricted.

Deliveries at strategic times: some operators are betting on delivering to nighttime or off-peak hours, when congestion is lower, improving delivery times and reducing operating costs.

Smart locker systems and collection points: instead of taking each package directly to the customer's door, many companies are choosing to deliver to strategically located lockers or collection points, allowing customers to pick up their orders when it suits them and avoiding multiple delivery attempts.

Where is the future of logistics going in congested cities?

Cities are not going to stop growing and traffic is unlikely to disappear. However, last-mile logistics is rapidly evolving to adapt to this scenario. Companies that invest in technology, innovation and intelligent planning will be those that manage to remain competitive and offer an efficient service to their customers.

In addition, trends in sustainable mobility are beginning to play an important role in solving this problem. More and more cities are promoting the use of electric vehicles, exclusive lanes for light cargo transport and regulations to optimize traffic in urban areas.

The challenge is great, but with the right strategies, it is possible to overcome congestion and ensure fast and efficient deliveries.

And you, what strategies have you implemented to prevent traffic from ruining your deliveries? Have you tried any innovative solutions?

Optimize your deliveries with Routal and forget about traffic

If traffic is affecting the efficiency of your logistics operation, It's time to take the next step. With Routal, you can:

  • Plan intelligent routes in real time.
  • Reduce operating costs with better delivery strategies.
  • Improve customer satisfaction with more accurate times.

Try Routal for free and take your deliveries to the next level

How does city congestion impact last-mile logistics?
Surely it has also happened to you: you buy something online that you need right away, but delivery times are a real nightmare.
How to reduce delivery times

Numerous studies show that it is up to 7 times more expensive to attract new customers than to keep existing ones. Therefore, taking care of the relationship with our client base is a better investment for our company, according to the specialized agency. Demandforce.

And how can we keep our customers? If your company is part of the logistics sector, keep reading, because we have a lot to tell you that will interest you.

Delivery times: the great logistical challenge

Surely it has happened to you too: you buy something online that you need immediately, but delivery times are a real nightmare.

It is nothing new to emphasize that the logistics sector is one of the most competitive and most competitive considering the operations of large companies, who offer increasingly shorter delivery times, of even hours. For this reason, offering an agile delivery service is currently one of the biggest differentiations and the main objective for any logistics company.

And now surely you have doubts: and how do I do it? Below we will explain the 3 essential techniques to optimize and improve your delivery times.

Techniques to reduce delivery times

Optimize routes

Route optimization will be your best weapon to reduce delivery times to a minimum.

For the route optimization prior planning will be essential: defining the total number of stops to be made, establishing a specific schedule or even detailing restrictions such as weight or volume in each vehicle. All these characteristics of our delivery route, if we take them into account at the time of planning, will help us to result in a customized route adapted to the operational needs of our company.

Once we have strategic planning, it will be time to optimize our route. We understand that a route is optimal and, therefore, is optimized, when the result is efficient in terms of time and mileage. Incorporating route optimization software in this step will be essential to have efficient routes, since using artificial intelligence it will effectively calculate in a matter of seconds what is the best route we can take. All of this will help reduce delivery time by more than 30% with respect to other routes.

Incorporate technology into your operating process

Digital logistics transformation is already a reality and, therefore, it is essential not to be left behind and incorporate it into our operations.

In order to be able to adapt to the needs of our commercial activity together with the technological requirements that are increasing at the social level, it is essential to include specialized software that not only improves the efficiency of our daily activities but also increases the level of competitiveness of our company compared to others.

An example of technological inclusion is the incorporation of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in our company. CRMs are software specialized in a set of practices, business strategies and technologies aimed at fostering an efficient relationship with our customers.

Communicate with your customers

In relation to the above, with regard to incorporating specialized software into our operations, it is also essential to have specialized programs in the direct communication with our users.

Not having direct and effective communication with your customers and even with the drivers and delivery people themselves is one of the biggest mistakes in logistics. Being able to enjoy direct communication channels that allow our users to know when they will receive a package, to verify that a service has been carried out or what phase of the operation it is in is key to effective deliveries and also to the satisfaction of all parties.

With SmartMonkey Planner you can count on each and every one of the techniques that will reduce your delivery times from day one. Do you want to try it? Now you can do it and for 10 days for free!

Try it for free!

How to reduce delivery times
Next, we'll take an in-depth look at two of the most popular operations: on-demand deliveries and scheduled deliveries.
Get carried away with deliveries on demand or be content with scheduled deliveries?

It might seem that in logistics there is only one path and that this is as simple as programming-deliver. Nothing could be further from reality, logistics encompasses a lot and since “a lot” is understood a multitude of types of operations, each with its own different requirements.

Next, we'll take an in-depth look at two of the most popular operations: on-demand deliveries and scheduled deliveries.

On-Demand Deliveries

On-demand deliveries, in English known as On Demand, are one of the most demanding operations in recent years, further boosting and strengthening the last mile.

On-demand deliveries cannot be planned, since they are operational and require a minimum of time from the time the order is placed until the delivery is made.

It's Friday night and you want to treat yourself with food Fast food. You call the restaurant and place the order. As soon as the food is ready, the delivery person will take your order home. This is an example of on-demand delivery.

With the example mentioned above, it is easy to see that at certain times when the restaurant has peak times when receiving orders, it will be difficult to cope with the growing demand, since making several deliveries on demand simultaneously is really complex.

Therefore, when delivering on demand, certain metrics should be taken into account, such as hours or days of the week if we follow the example of the restaurant (it will be essential to observe if orders increase on weekends and after 8:00 p.m.) and, on the other hand, on Mondays at noon they decrease). These metrics will help us manage our own resources, since this way we can predict if we will need to increase the number of delivery people hired on weekend evenings and decrease it during the week.

Scheduled deliveries

Scheduled deliveries are shipments scheduled in advance for a specific time interval.

In this case, and as an example, we could transport ourselves to our wedding day. We get in touch with a tailor to make us a tailor-made suit. After several tests our suit is ready. Now, we only have to tell our tailor what day and at what time we will pick up the suit so that it is ready for the link.

As seen with the example, in scheduled deliveries, a service is offered in advance with the customer so that the order arrives on a specific day and in a specific time slot. The customer selects the date and time interval in which he wants to receive his order.

This mode of delivery allows customers to monitor their shipment in real time, so they will feel connected at all times and will be able to control both the status of the order, its location and the exact time of delivery.

According to the portal Ibertransit, scheduled deliveries are an increasingly common service in large cities where deliveries are made within a maximum period of 48 hours and with a zero delivery cost for the customer. Despite the increase in on-demand deliveries, it should be noted that it is not yet an extended service, since they represent 20% of total deliveries.

Make deliveries on demand vs. scheduled deliveries

The way in which we operate on demand and scheduled deliveries is completely different. In fact, so much so, that it is very difficult for companies to be able to carry out both operations simultaneously, since the requirements are very different.

The main difference between on-demand deliveries and scheduled deliveries is that the latter allow you to add different customers in the same vehicle and, therefore, be more efficient in optimizing time and resources. On the other hand, in on-demand deliveries, it is so dynamic that it is very difficult to be able to add several deliveries on the same route.

As mentioned above, in on-demand deliveries, the planning process requires a predictive pretext on which to base these demand predictions with data from previous dates. With these predictions, an approximate number of vehicles needed or the minimum inventory level required will be established.

In the case of scheduled deliveries, companies give customers the flexibility to schedule their own deliveries. In this sense, the predictive element ceases to make sense, since the number of deliveries to be made is known in advance. In scheduled deliveries, the inputs that must be planned are the number of vehicles needed to carry out the deliveries, which orders to group (batch deliveries) or in what order the orders should be delivered (make optimized routes).

At SmartMonkey, we are constantly developing to empower the last mile. Our customers can more effectively determine where, when and how they want to receive their shipments. Decide for yourself with our free trial period.

Try it for free!

Get carried away with deliveries on demand or be content with scheduled deliveries?
Free is usually that word that has magical qualities, since it manages to attract anyone for whatever reason.
You think Google Maps is free, but it ends up being very expensive

Free is usually that word that has magical qualities, since it manages to attract anyone for whatever reason. Who hasn't ever seen a kilometer line of retirees because they were giving away “something”? Something, most likely absurd and useless, but free. And if something is free, we all want them.

The last mile is a process of increasing social relevance, especially considering the enormous growth of e-commerce in recent years.

The importance of the last mile delivery process is given not only by the rise of ecommerce as a more than widespread buying trend, but also because of the complexity that the process itself is gaining due to its success.

Logistics companies struggle to be increasingly outstanding in an increasingly competitive market: satisfactory and fast deliveries, contactless, flexible deliveries or with an efficient reverse logistics policy, among others.

In order to meet all these expectations, logistics companies are required to redesign their last-mile strategy in order to continue in such a changing market. It is therefore essential to consider new ways of proceeding with last-mile delivery, since traditional logistics models have become obsolete, since they will not be commensurate with the current expectations of users.

In this case, the scanning is the key piece of this puzzle, since it will be what will allow companies to keep up to date within the sector.

But is it possible to digitalize the last-mile process successfully and for free?

Google Maps vs. specialized last-mile software

Free tools, such as Google Maps, can be very useful on a daily basis as a support method for moving to certain locations, planning trips abroad or even organizing specific routes. But is it possible to use this tool as a last-mile delivery planner? Our opinion is categorical: no.

The limitations of free tools such as Google Maps are numerous. As mentioned before, the last-mile delivery process is far from simple, in fact, in recent years it has become an increasingly complex and professional process (all due to its success in terms of market buying trends).

Therefore, delegating such complex and important processes as route planning and optimization to tools that are not specialized in this regard is a big mistake. In the case of Google Maps, many of the above-mentioned needs cannot be met, such as exhaustive route optimization, direct communication with customers, real-time monitoring of operations or even delivery tests, among others.

Consequently, we must bear in mind that in order to be logistically successful, we must rely on specialized last-mile software. In the article The 5 features you should look for in a last-mile management software”, we tell you in detail everything you should look for in specialized software.

Where two fit, three fit

Greed is known as a cardinal sin, but can it really be considered as such if we speak in logistical terms?

As mentioned before, the logistics industry is very competitive and staying firm in it can be really difficult. For this reason, professional excellence must be sought and, in concrete terms such as last-mile deliveries, even more so.

Incorporating specialized software for the last mile for the organization and favorable course of our daily operations is essential. In addition, it is also interesting to consider the facilities provided by tools such as Google Maps (and not only because they incorporate the magic word: “free”); in the specific case of the Google tool, it will directly help in making deliveries, as a route guide for them.

At this point, why not consider working with both tools and simultaneously? This is possible, since some of the most developed route planning software on the market incorporate Google Maps as part of their services.

In short, incorporating a specialized route planner and having it connected to tools such as Google Maps will guarantee success.

See for yourself all the advantages of incorporating specialized software that also has Google Maps, such as SmartMonkey Planner. Plus, if you sign up now, you'll get a free trial period (for a limited time only).

Try it now!

You think Google Maps is free, but it ends up being very expensive
Reverse logistics is the set of processes responsible for managing the returns of those products purchased by users.
The 7 tips you need to improve the reverse logistics process

The logistics industry is constantly changing, both in processes and in the way of proceeding. These changes are due, to a large extent, to technological advances in the sector, which evoke different modalities in logistics processes, such as reverse logistics.

What is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse logistics is the set of practices and processes responsible for managing the returns and returns of those products purchased by users.

These returns or returns are managed from the points of sale of the products to the manufacturer itself (to carry out the repair, recycling or disposal of the product at the lowest possible cost).

In addition, reverse logistics is already another process and of vital importance when planning the supply chain for the satisfaction of the end customer.

7 tips to improve your reverse logistics

Customer Centric: It responds to the customer-oriented strategy through which an organization places the customer at the center of the company with the objective of focusing all processes and operations on users.

The implementation of the Customer Centric strategy increases the satisfaction of our users, since we focus all our efforts on knowing their needs and concerns regarding our activity. Knowing the desired delivery and return times or a maximum price per service will help increase your satisfaction and, therefore, carry out a satisfactory reverse logistics process.

Strategic Planning: Perform measured and analytical planning to ensure the correct management of operations taking into account parameters such as mileage or travel time. With the right software, this will be an autonomous task, in which a large amount of time is not required and with an optimal result, since it will always offer the most efficient route.

Optimization of resources: The optimization of resources when it comes to transportation is essential for the success of your company's reverse logistics process; it will help control the traceability, trajectory and tracking of shipments. In addition, planning delivery routes efficiently and optimally will result in significant economic and time savings. Therefore, the use of specialized software for route planning will be a key element in increasing the efficiency of your company's reverse logistics process.

Use of metrics and KPIs: To evaluate the productivity and performance of the reverse logistics process, the use of KPIs is essential (Key Performance Indicator). These indicators will help measure and quantify your company's performance and compliance with established objectives. It is recommended that when defining the logistics KPIs, they are developed based on the S.M.A.R.T. (Smart, Mmeasurable, Achivable, Realistic and Time-Bound) model.

Shorter return times: As mentioned before in relation to the Customer Centric strategy, it is essential to know not only the limits of our company in terms of acceptable delivery or return times, but also the “deadlines” or desired deadlines of our customers. For this reason, and in general terms, it should be prioritized that collection and return times are as short as possible and without the need to increase the amount of resources associated with reverse logistics. Thus, specific efforts should be made to improve this particular process.

Proactive monitoring: Proactive monitoring is the live monitoring of the daily planning of services and deliveries that warns of possible failures and errors while allowing us to react and adapt operations in a satisfactory manner.

Good proactive monitoring must have the possibility of monitoring the operation in real time and thus be able to view the progress of the operation live at all times. In addition, and in relation to the real-time monitoring of operations, it is essential that it incorporates sufficient functions that allow a timely reaction to possible failures or errors.

Non-intelligent warehouses or Smart Storage: Smart warehouses are specialized logistics centers that make use of technology to increase efficiency in all their processes, such as the reception, preparation or storage of goods.

An example of the use and benefit of implementing intelligent warehouses in the reverse logistics process is the case of Amazon, a company that has included artificial intelligence in its warehouses in order to quickly determine, based on the costs of each product and its associated return costs, if it accepts to pick up the product in question by activating the reverse logistics process or, on the contrary, makes the refund without the collection of said merchandise.

If you want to guarantee the success of your company's reverse logistics process, you can do so now with the specialized SmartMonkey Planner software. Try it free for 10 days, for a limited time only.

Try it for free!

The 7 tips you need to improve the reverse logistics process
Proofs of delivery, also known in English as proof of delivery (PoD), are the set of all information related to the delivery of a
Digital delivery tests: what they are and why you need them in your business

Las delivery tests, also known in English as Proof of Delivery (PoD), are the set of all the information related to the delivery of a package or the performance of a service.

Its use is increasingly widespread in logistics operations, since it certifies deliveries and/or services in a satisfactory manner, both for companies and for the customers themselves.

PEE or electronic proof of delivery (PoD)

In an increasingly digitized context that requires increasingly immediate processes, it is essential to incorporate mechanisms and tools that advance in the same way as operational requirements. For this reason, the use of PEE or, in other words, electronic proof of delivery is currently essential.

PEEs are the digital proof through which an individual or company certifies that they have received a good or service.

In this way, these PEEs support the execution of a delivery or service, certifying variables such as time, location, name of the receiver, the receiver's signature and even photographs.

Thanks to the incorporation of proof of delivery into the operation, the companies that carry out the service or delivery can access all the documentation electronically, in order to quickly verify that the operation has been carried out correctly.

Nowadays, digital proof of delivery is already part of the vast majority of companies in the logistics sector, as they are the mechanisms that help us to provide greater control of the last mile process quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of digital proof of delivery

As mentioned above, the main advantage of digital delivery tests is the absolute control of the process of delivering or performing a service immediately. However, they also have multiple other advantages. Here are some of them:

  • Productivity: the use of digital proof of delivery speeds up the delivery process, since times are shortened in addition to also facilitating information management.
  • Increased information: The amount of information collected in digital proof of delivery is greater than on paper, since there is limited capacity in paper form.
  • Photographs: with digital proof of delivery, it is possible to add photographs of the time of delivery or completion of the service instantly.
  • Reducing costs: with the addition of tools that allow digital delivery tests, all costs associated with the storage of analog proof of delivery (personnel, space, etc.) are eliminated.
  • Efficiency: with the inclusion of digital proof of delivery, we will avoid possible human errors such as the loss of documentation or possible confusion.
  • Sustainability: betting on methods that help improve the sustainability of our company is increasingly important and this is precisely another advantage of digital proof of delivery, since it encourages the elimination of the use of single-use paper by digital and more sustainable alternatives.

The multiple uses of proof of delivery

Now that you know what proof of delivery is and what all their advantages are, we'll show you some of their many uses.

  • Traceability: not only in the process of delivering an order, in which the proof of delivery certifies the delivery of the order, both for the delivery company and for the customer, but also in the performance of services. An example of this is the case of a company dedicated to the provision of cleaning services: in this particular case, the company that performs the cleaning certifies that the cleaning has been carried out correctly, sending one or more photographs both to the user receiving said service and to its own company. In this way, both users and entrepreneurs are instantly certain that the service has been successfully performed.
  • Comprehensive control: It is common for Horeca channel distribution companies to change at the time of delivery due to a multitude of possibilities: products in poor condition, unwanted, etc. In this case, and thanks to the proof of delivery, the total quantity of products received is reflected, as well as the characteristics of each of them. All of this can be automatically synchronized with the ERP, in order to update the customer's final billing and reduce to a matter of seconds an operation that, without digital proof of delivery, could be extended to days, billing errors and an endless number of calls and office work and a delay in the collection of the goods, with the consequent financial cost for the distribution company.
  • Proactive monitoring: Another of the uses, while the great advantage of including proof of delivery in our operations, is precisely its use when it comes to traceability in real time. An example of this is the case in which the logistics manager of the operation may be controlling and monitoring the status of the deliveries in real time and, in this way, be able to observe if there are delays or if there have been any problems at the time of delivery that can be corrected.

Do you want to know how you can incorporate proof of delivery into your operations and you don't know how? Very easy! In Routal Planner we have delivery tests and a multitude of other features. Sign up now and enjoy all of them thanks to our free trial period.

Try it for free!

If you want to know more about proactive monitoring, access our article “Optimize delivery management with proactive monitoring” and discover all its advantages.

Digital delivery tests: what they are and why you need them in your business
Failed deliveries are the Achilles' heel of any company offering last-mile delivery services, and it's even the main problem.
The secret to reducing failed deliveries

Las failed deliveries They are the Achilles' heel of any company that offers last-mile delivery services and is even the main problem of companies that rely on logistics for the development of their commercial activity.

Logistic activities present great challenges but, without a doubt, the biggest of them all are failed deliveries. It is estimated that more than 1 in 10 deliveries are unsuccessful due, for the most part, to communication problems between customers and the delivery company.

Some of the most common situations in which failed deliveries occur and the origin of customer-company communication problems, according to the portal Eurosender are the absence of the recipient at the time of delivery, an incomplete or incorrect address or, even, problems accessing the recipient are some of the most common causes, among others.

The failed deliveries of Marcos, Silvia and César: a story of overcoming

As mentioned before, failed deliveries are a major challenge for many companies, not only those that focus their activities on the last mile but also for many others that rely on logistics for the success of their business.

Below we tell you the story of Marcos, Silvia and César. Three short stories that show the impact of failed deliveries on their daily activities and how they have been able to overcome them.

Marcos is a first-class chef

Marcos is the owner and chef of a centrally located restaurant in Madrid. Marcos is also responsible for making the inventory and receiving the daily merchandise for its elaborations. However, he also suffers from failed deliveries, since he told us that he had to change many dishes from his daily menu beforehand because the merchandise arrived late and without prior notice. This forced him to redo the menu at the last minute and adapt in record time, which has made him a first-class chef. Now, thanks to better planning and communication with their suppliers, their failed deliveries have been reduced by 97%.

Silvia's round numbers

Silvia is in charge of the logistics area of her company ecommerce, specialized in the last mile delivery of organic products. Before the incorporation of Silvia, her company had a 19% failed delivery rate, a very high cost for a small family business. As soon as Silvia joined the company, she could see the great challenge she was facing and looked for the main reasons why there were so many failed deliveries over the course of a single day and these were, in short, problems in communication between customer and delivery person. Now, Silvia has round the numbers, as the rate of failed deliveries has fallen to less than 4%.

César's customer satisfaction

Over the years, César has suffered from poor reviews about his company from customers who were dissatisfied with the services he offered. César had to find out what was the problem that most of his clients were facing and try to solve it quickly, in order to avoid the debacle of his company's image on the Internet. Over time, he was able to identify that he had communication problems with his customers, since they complained of not being notified when the service was performed (despite being carried out) or even of not having photographic evidence to verify that the service was being performed. César solved the problem as soon as he detected the problem and now has a better reputation and a score of 4.4 out of 5 in his company.

Marcos, Silvia, César and yours's solution for failed deliveries

As you can see, failed deliveries are a pending issue in many companies. A highly complex challenge within the logistics chain that leads us to prioritize knowing what its possible errors are and how to solve them. But what then is the solution? As any marriage therapist would also tell you... COMMUNICATION.

The stories of Marcos, Silvia and César are real stories of our clients who have sent us over the years and as a sign of gratitude.

Not having direct and effective communication with your customers and even with the drivers and delivery people themselves is one of the biggest mistakes in logistics.

Being able to enjoy direct and inattentive communication channels that allow customers to know when they will receive a package, to verify that a service has been carried out or what phase of operation it is in is key to effective deliveries and also to the satisfaction of all parties.

The transparency and effectiveness of the entire process is very important and both Marcos, Silvia and César know this. All of them were able to identify the problem their business had and found it in Routal Planner the solution. They saw Planner not only as an optimizer of delivery routes, but also as a platform for direct communication with their customers. Now all your customers have Information updated in real time in addition to also having delivery tests for the verification of the performance of the services.

Try it for free!

Learn about other effective methods to combat failed deliveries in our article “Optimize delivery management with proactive monitoring”.

The secret to reducing failed deliveries
Logistic heroes, like Santa Claus, rely on tools that can provide all their gifts on time and around the world.
The logistical secrets that Santa Claus didn't want to share with the Three Kings

Santa Claus is one of the greatest and most recognized representations of Christmas. A great, endearing hero and the one responsible par excellence for distributing thousands and thousands of gifts in addition to fulfilling a large number of dreams.

The work of Santa Claus at Christmas is commendable: distributing a large volume of gifts on time and around the world, without forgetting a single one. For this reason, he is a hero, a hero without a cape, as are all those people who are part of a company's logistics operations and who, day after day (not just at Christmas), manage to distribute thousands of products in record time. But what is their secret? How do they manage to deliver so many packages and always on time? Keep reading and we'll explain how to:

2021 Christmas sales forecast

The Christmas campaign is, without a doubt, one of the great challenges for companies in the logistics sector. The increase in Christmas shopping compared to other months of the year leads to an increase in logistics operations. Companies in the logistics sector must do their best to meet the high demand these days (Santa Claus is unforgiving!).

In fact, on specialized portals such as The Economist, highlight a forecast of an increase in shipping management of more than 7% compared to data for the 2020 financial year, which will lead to more than 160 million shipments over this period.

For this reason, logistics heroes, including Santa Claus, are not left behind and rely on tools that can provide all their gifts on time and around the world. Below we reveal to you the great enigma of success.

What is the big secret of Santa Claus?

Given the great impact on sales in practically all stores during the Christmas campaign, it is essential to have excellent logistics management to meet the high demand.

For Santa Claus, it is increasingly important to speed and efficiency when it comes to distributing your gifts: being able to reach all places and in the shortest possible time is a priority.

For this reason, implementing tools that facilitate logistics operations and, above all, help to efficiently manage delivery routes is vital on such a special date.

Here's what Santa Claus' great secret is for a successful Christmas:

· Un software specialized in the last mile: the implementation of specialized tools for managing the last mile is essential, especially considering the busy Christmas dates. Specialized software will contribute to your company's commercial success at Christmas, since it will allow you to plan delivery routes in a matter of seconds, as well as making them more efficient. With efficient routes, you will not only have economic savings, due to lower fuel consumption, but also time savings, since you will carry out the most optimal route.

· Direct communication channels with your customers: direct communication with users is essential, since in the midst of the digital age, we are used to being constantly connected and informed. With the use of specialized software, your customers will be able to receive direct and real-time information about your purchases. For example, your customers will be able to know at all times where their order is or when they will receive it, among others.

· Transportation: given the huge sales forecast for Christmas, it is necessary to take into account the company's logistics and transport capabilities. If, as we mentioned before, the increase in sales is greater than 7% compared to other days, we must weigh what the transport needs will be in order to operate successfully. To reach the total of the operation, you must Increase transport of the same exponentially: increasing one third of available transport, at least 2% if sales exceed 7%.

· Logistic staff: in the same way as with transport, it will be necessary increase specialized logistics staff to be able to carry out the day in a satisfactory manner. Taking into account that the increase in sales will be 7%, the available logistics staff must increase by the same number or, at least, by 2% more. Therefore, the workforce should increase by 2%-5% for that day.

Still not delivering like Santa Claus? Do like him and get all your orders to arrive on time and with great savings thanks to the use of SmartMonkey Planner. And if you know any stragglers who are still delivering on a camel, give them a gift and share this item (they arrive, but they always take longer).

Try it for free!

The logistical secrets that Santa Claus didn't want to share with the Three Kings
It is essential to incorporate proactive monitoring into our operations to carry out services in a satisfactory manner.
Optimize delivery management with proactive monitoring

La delivery management It is one of the most important and important parts of any logistics company and, therefore, it is essential to incorporate the proactive monitoring in our operations, in order to carry out the provision of services in a satisfactory manner.

El Rise of online commerce, especially after the pandemic, is further evidence of the paradigm shift in terms of the purchasing habits of the vast majority of consumers, since a new scenario is being proposed where the great advantages of ecommerce, such as the convenience of shopping anywhere or the possibility of buying products and prices.

Taking into account that this e-commerce model is here to stay and will most likely grow and innovate in the coming years, it is essential to ensure optimal management of logistics resources in order to offer efficient and satisfactory delivery management for customers.

In this regard, organization, efficiency and, especially, the ease of adaptation in deliveries are key factors in achieving fast and optimal deliveries. All of this will contribute greatly to the satisfaction of our customers and, therefore, to the good image of our company.

For all these reasons and given the importance of managing deliveries, today many companies have chosen to implement specialized software in the last mile to carry out the operation of deliveries in an efficient manner. The incorporation of specialized tools for last-mile management in logistics companies is the solution to many of the inconveniences that may arise, such as poor planning in deliveries or keeping an exhaustive monitoring of operations in order to carry out a more productive and satisfactory delivery.

Proactive monitoring

As stated before, delivery management is already a determining factor in the proper functioning of any logistics company and the implementation of tools to help us manage it is becoming increasingly important.

In this regard, it is important to take into account concepts such as proactive monitoring.

What is proactive monitoring?

La proactive monitoring It is the live monitoring of the daily planning of services and deliveries that warns of possible failures and errors while allowing us to react and adapt operations in a satisfactory manner.

What should good proactive monitoring look like?

Precisely, adequate proactive monitoring must have sufficient tools and functionalities that allow our operations to react favorably in time.

In this way, it is essential that Let's incorporate delivery management tools that have proactive monitoring and that it be comprehensive enough.

To keep in mind, good monitoring must have the possibility of carrying out the Real-time monitoring of operations: to be able to view at any time and live what the operation is going on.

In addition, and in relation to the real-time monitoring of operations, it is essential that it incorporates sufficient functions that allow a timely reaction to possible failures or errors. For example, it's important to consider the possibility of change in the order of stops or services. In the event of an unforeseen event and we must give priority to one stop over the rest, it will be essential that we have the right tool that allows us to make this change easily.

On the other hand, it is also important in terms of proactive monitoring, that our delivery management software also has the possibility of being able to carry out a change in the assignment of services between one driver and another. For example, thanks to the live view, we can see how one of our drivers must deviate from the route and there is one stop waiting to be made: in this case, we can easily change the assignment of that stop from one driver to another, so that said stop or service can be performed correctly.

Proactive monitoring is also very important when it comes to our customers. Thanks to being able to carry out an exhaustive and live monitoring of the operation, it will be possible to give our customers timely notice of, for example, a delay, which will have allowed them to react and then be able to perform the service efficiently.

All of these features and functions of proactive monitoring are essential, but it is also important to consider the magnitude of the operation and how stressful it can be. Therefore, it is also important to keep in mind that proactive monitoring can be done in a way comfortable and friendly: to be able to know what is happening on a single screen and without having to press the different Inputs on a consistent basis.

To do this, we must incorporate a tool that allows proactive monitoring to be possible and complete but, in addition, that it is independent and that we only have to have the screen open without having to be constantly aware, but simply to see sideways that everything is going as planned or that some of the routes are having unexpected behavior. That's when we'll need to pay attention and identify how to solve the problem.

Differences between proactive and reactive monitoring

Although it is true that more and more companies are betting on continuous improvement and are incorporating mechanisms such as monitoring given their great benefits, there are still laggards that are left behind doing reactive monitoring, a way of proceeding that is currently obsolete.

By proactively monitoring, we can move forward to potential problems. An informed customer at all times allows us to act quickly in the face of any incident, offering solutions proactively, such as arriving later than expected. Being proactive allows us to move forward to possible problems that may arise and not only to avoid them, but also to think about customer satisfaction by offering solutions and alternatives, which they will undoubtedly value very positively.

On the other hand, reactive monitoring does not contemplate possible problems that may arise. It only takes them into account once they have occurred, usually when the wait is longer than usual. At that point, it's too late to provide a satisfactory solution to the customer.

The usual case, when a customer makes the decision to call. This situation is usually due to the lack of information and visibility to the customer, which does not allow them to adapt their daily lives to the operational one. This situation creates stress and uncertainty for the client. The call is a sign that any changes we make to meet that customer's demand will generate extra delays for the rest and not only that, the added pressure for drivers.

With SmartMonkey Planner you can enjoy all the advantages of being able to carry out proactive monitoring, since it is a software specialized in last mile management that has a multitude of functions so that you can easily monitor and adapt your operations at any time.

If you want to position yourself ahead of your competitors, join Planner. In addition, you can sign up now without obligation, we have a free 10-day trial period.

Try it for free!

Do you want to know if you make some of the most common mistakes in the last mile and how to fix them? Go to our article The 4 mistakes to avoid in the last mile and we explain it to you.

Optimize delivery management with proactive monitoring