You think Google Maps is free, but it ends up being very expensive

Free is usually that word that has magical qualities, since it manages to attract anyone for whatever reason. Who hasn't ever seen a kilometer line of retirees because they were giving away “something”? Something, most likely absurd and useless, but free. And if something is free, we all want them.
The last mile is a process of increasing social relevance, especially considering the enormous growth of e-commerce in recent years.
The importance of the last mile delivery process is given not only by the rise of ecommerce as a more than widespread buying trend, but also because of the complexity that the process itself is gaining due to its success.
Logistics companies struggle to be increasingly outstanding in an increasingly competitive market: satisfactory and fast deliveries, contactless, flexible deliveries or with an efficient reverse logistics policy, among others.
In order to meet all these expectations, logistics companies are required to redesign their last-mile strategy in order to continue in such a changing market. It is therefore essential to consider new ways of proceeding with last-mile delivery, since traditional logistics models have become obsolete, since they will not be commensurate with the current expectations of users.
In this case, the scanning is the key piece of this puzzle, since it will be what will allow companies to keep up to date within the sector.
But is it possible to digitalize the last-mile process successfully and for free?
Google Maps vs. specialized last-mile software
Free tools, such as Google Maps, can be very useful on a daily basis as a support method for moving to certain locations, planning trips abroad or even organizing specific routes. But is it possible to use this tool as a last-mile delivery planner? Our opinion is categorical: no.
The limitations of free tools such as Google Maps are numerous. As mentioned before, the last-mile delivery process is far from simple, in fact, in recent years it has become an increasingly complex and professional process (all due to its success in terms of market buying trends).
Therefore, delegating such complex and important processes as route planning and optimization to tools that are not specialized in this regard is a big mistake. In the case of Google Maps, many of the above-mentioned needs cannot be met, such as exhaustive route optimization, direct communication with customers, real-time monitoring of operations or even delivery tests, among others.
Consequently, we must bear in mind that in order to be logistically successful, we must rely on specialized last-mile software. In the article ”The 5 features you should look for in a last-mile management software”, we tell you in detail everything you should look for in specialized software.
Where two fit, three fit
Greed is known as a cardinal sin, but can it really be considered as such if we speak in logistical terms?
As mentioned before, the logistics industry is very competitive and staying firm in it can be really difficult. For this reason, professional excellence must be sought and, in concrete terms such as last-mile deliveries, even more so.
Incorporating specialized software for the last mile for the organization and favorable course of our daily operations is essential. In addition, it is also interesting to consider the facilities provided by tools such as Google Maps (and not only because they incorporate the magic word: “free”); in the specific case of the Google tool, it will directly help in making deliveries, as a route guide for them.
At this point, why not consider working with both tools and simultaneously? This is possible, since some of the most developed route planning software on the market incorporate Google Maps as part of their services.
In short, incorporating a specialized route planner and having it connected to tools such as Google Maps will guarantee success.
See for yourself all the advantages of incorporating specialized software that also has Google Maps, such as SmartMonkey Planner. Plus, if you sign up now, you'll get a free trial period (for a limited time only).