Routal blog

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La planificación de rutas eficiente es esencial en logística para reducir costos, mejorar la productividad y garantizar entregas puntuales, pero muchas empresas aún utilizan métodos manuales que generan ineficiencias. Los optimizadores de rutas automatizados, como Routal, transforman este proceso al calcular rutas óptimas en segundos, considerando factores como el tráfico y las ventanas de entrega, lo que permite ahorrar tiempo, costos y aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Además, estas herramientas proporcionan escalabilidad, visibilidad en tiempo real y flexibilidad, ayudando a las empresas a adaptarse al crecimiento sin comprometer la eficiencia.
Planificación de Rutas: Por qué usar un Optimizador de Rutas

En el mundo de la logística y las entregas, la planificación de rutas es clave para reducir costos, mejorar la eficiencia y cumplir con los plazos de entrega. Sin embargo, muchas empresas siguen utilizando métodos manuales o herramientas básicas, lo que resulta en rutas poco eficientes, mayores tiempos de entrega y costos operativos elevados.

Es por eso que cada vez más compañías están adoptando optimizadores de rutas automatizados, que permiten reducir tiempos, minimizar costos y mejorar la experiencia del cliente, obteniendo una gran ventaja competitiva respecto a sus competidores

planificador de rutas
Planificador de rutas

¿Por Qué es Importante una Buena Planificación de Rutas?

Planificar rutas de manera eficiente no solo ayuda a reducir la cantidad de kilómetros recorridos, sino que también tiene un impacto directo en la productividad y rentabilidad de una empresa. 

Estos son algunos de los beneficios clave:

Ahorro de Tiempo en la Planificación

Crear rutas manualmente puede tomar horas, especialmente si tienes muchas paradas, dando la posibilidad de errores humanos que pueden afectar la eficiencia de la operación.

Un optimizador de rutas automatizado transforma este proceso en cuestión de minutos. Gracias a algoritmos avanzados, la herramienta analiza múltiples factores, como la ubicación de los destinos, el tráfico en tiempo real, las ventanas horarias de entrega y la capacidad de los vehículos, generando automáticamente la ruta más eficiente.

Responsables logísticos haciendo una ruta manual

Reducción de Costos Operativos

Una planificación ineficiente de rutas puede generar un impacto significativo en los costos operativos de cualquier empresa de logística o distribución. Cuando las rutas están optimizadas, los vehículos recorren menos kilómetros, lo que se traduce en:

  • Menor consumo de combustible 
  • Menor desgaste del vehículo 
  • Menos horas de trabajo para los conductores 
  • Menor riesgo de retrasos y penalizaciones

Entrega Más Rápida y Precisa

En un mundo donde la inmediatez es clave, los clientes esperan que sus pedidos lleguen rápido y en el horario prometido. Una mala planificación de rutas puede provocar retrasos, desorganización y una mala experiencia para el cliente, lo que impacta directamente en la reputación y competitividad de una empresa.

Uno de los mayores desafíos en la logística de última milla es la imprevisibilidad. Factores como el tráfico, cambios de último minuto en las órdenes, restricciones viales o condiciones climáticas pueden afectar las entregas. Si las rutas no están optimizadas, cualquier imprevisto puede generar retrasos en cascada que afecten todas las entregas del día.

Un planificador de rutas automático soluciona este problema al calcular la mejor ruta en función de múltiples factores, como el tráfico asegurando que los paquetes lleguen a su destino de la manera más eficiente posible.

Vehículo de reparto última milla

Mayor Control y Visibilidad

En la logística de última milla, la falta de control y visibilidad puede generar múltiples problemas, desde retrasos inesperados hasta dificultades en la comunicación con los clientes. Sin una herramienta adecuada, los gestores logísticos deben depender de llamadas o mensajes para conocer la ubicación de los conductores, lo que no solo es ineficiente, sino que también deja margen para errores y descoordinaciones.

Los optimizadores de rutas proporcionan un seguimiento en tiempo real de cada vehículo, permitiendo a las empresas monitorear sus operaciones de manera precisa y reaccionar rápidamente ante cualquier imprevisto. 

También es fundamental ofrecer una experiencia transparente y confiable para el cliente. La falta de información sobre el estado de su pedido puede generar frustración e incertidumbre, lo que afecta su percepción del servicio. Aquí es donde los optimizadores de rutas juegan un papel crucial al proporcionar control y visibilidad en tiempo real, a través la posibilidad localizar el vehículo a tiempo real o el envío de notificaciones, mejorando la experiencia del cliente

Además, las fallas en la primera entrega pueden generar costos adicionales, tanto en reintentos de entrega como en insatisfacción del cliente. Gracias al control y visibilidad, este problema se minimizará.

Escalabilidad y Adaptabilidad

A medida que una empresa amplía su operación, la gestión manual de rutas deja de ser una opción viable. Lo que antes podía resolverse con un simple mapa y algo de intuición se convierte en un desafío logístico complejo. 

La logística debe adaptarse al ritmo del negocio. Un software de planificación de rutas ofrece la flexibilidad necesaria para gestionar desde unas pocas entregas hasta miles al día sin comprometer la eficiencia. A medida que la demanda fluctúa, la tecnología permite ajustar automáticamente la distribución de rutas, asignando las entregas de manera óptima entre los vehículos disponibles.

El crecimiento de una empresa no debería venir acompañado de un aumento en la complejidad operativa. Con una solución escalable y adaptable, es posible expandirse sin que la logística se convierta en un obstáculo, permitiendo a las empresas enfocarse en lo más importante: entregar de manera rápida, eficiente y sin contratiempos.

Cliente monitorizando la llegada de su envío en tiempo real

Prueba Routal: El Optimizador más sencillo y eficiente

La planificación de rutas puede ser un desafío, pero con Routal, optimizar tus recorridos es más fácil que nunca. Nuestra plataforma te permite automatizar la organización de entregas en segundos, eliminando la necesidad de planificar manualmente y ayudándote a reducir costos operativos. Con una interfaz intuitiva y potente tecnología de optimización, Routal es la solución ideal para empresas que buscan mejorar su eficiencia y ofrecer un servicio de alta calidad.

Responsable logístico planificando de forma rápida y eficiente

Con Routal podrás:

Generar rutas óptimas en segundos → Solo introduce las direcciones y deja que el sistema calcule la mejor secuencia para minimizar distancias y tiempos de viaje.

Reducir costos y mejorar la eficiencia → Optimizar las rutas significa menos combustible, menos desgaste en los vehículos y más entregas completadas en menos tiempo.

Gestionar y monitorear entregas en tiempo real → Visualiza dónde están tus conductores en todo momento, ajusta rutas ante imprevistos y mantén a los clientes informados con tiempos estimados de llegada precisos.

Mejorar la experiencia del cliente → Notificaciones en tiempo real y entregas puntuales aumentan la confianza y reducen la incertidumbre, haciendo que los clientes valoren más tu servicio.

Pero no solo lo decimos nosotros. Empresas de distintos sectores ya han transformado su logística con Routal, logrando entregas más rápidas, menores costos y una mayor satisfacción del cliente.

Desde pequeñas empresas hasta grandes flotas de distribución, Routal se adapta a tus necesidades con una interfaz clara y procesos automatizados. En solo unos clics, puedes ingresar tus direcciones, generar rutas optimizadas y hacer ajustes en tiempo real.

No dejes que la planificación manual te haga perder tiempo y dinero. Con Routal, puedes mejorar la eficiencia de tu operación y brindar una experiencia excepcional a tus clientes.

Solicita tu prueba gratuita hoy mismo y lleva tu logística al siguiente nivel.

Planificación de Rutas: Por qué usar un Optimizador de Rutas
El departamento de logística es clave para optimizar la cadena de suministro, gestionando inventarios, transporte y relaciones con proveedores para garantizar entregas eficientes y satisfacer a los clientes. Sus funciones están respaldadas por perfiles especializados, como gerentes, coordinadores y analistas, que trabajan en conjunto con tecnología avanzada para maximizar resultados.
Departamento de Logística: Funciones y Perfiles Principales

El departamento de logística es el corazón operativo de cualquier empresa que maneje distribución, transporte o gestión de mercancías. Su importancia radica en garantizar que los productos lleguen al lugar correcto, en el momento indicado y con los costos más eficientes. Pero, ¿qué hace exactamente este departamento? ¿Cuáles son los perfiles que lo integran? En este artículo exploraremos sus funciones clave y los roles principales.

¿Qué es el departamento de logística?

El departamento de logística es responsable de planificar, ejecutar y supervisar el movimiento y almacenamiento de bienes, servicios e información a lo largo de la cadena de suministro. Esto incluye actividades como la gestión de inventarios, el diseño de rutas de transporte y la coordinación con proveedores y clientes.

El objetivo principal es optimizar los procesos para reducir costos, mejorar tiempos y garantizar la satisfacción del cliente.

Funciones principales del departamento de logística

1. Planificación de la cadena de suministro

Este equipo asegura que cada paso del proceso logístico esté alineado con las metas de la empresa. Se enfoca en anticipar la demanda, gestionar recursos y evitar cuellos de botella.

2. Gestión de inventarios

Controlar el inventario es crucial para evitar costos innecesarios, como el exceso de stock o la falta de productos. Esto incluye monitorear existencias en tiempo real y mantener el equilibrio perfecto entre oferta y demanda.

3. Coordinación de transporte y distribución

Garantizar que los productos lleguen a su destino de manera eficiente es esencial. Esto implica diseñar rutas óptimas, elegir los medios de transporte adecuados y gestionar las entregas.

4. Relación con proveedores y clientes

El departamento de logística actúa como intermediario entre la empresa y sus socios comerciales. Negocia plazos, precios y términos con proveedores y asegura la satisfacción del cliente final.

5. Análisis y optimización de procesos

Medir el rendimiento y encontrar áreas de mejora es una función constante. Esto incluye el uso de herramientas tecnológicas como Routal para optimizar rutas y reducir costos operativos.

Perfiles principales en el departamento de logística

El equipo de logística suele estar formado por profesionales con habilidades tanto técnicas como organizativas. A continuación, los roles más comunes:

1. Gerente de Logística

Responsable de supervisar todo el departamento, desde la planificación estratégica hasta la ejecución de operaciones. Es quien toma decisiones clave para garantizar que los procesos funcionen de manera eficiente.

2. Coordinador de Transporte

Encargado de planificar rutas, gestionar flotas y garantizar que los envíos lleguen a tiempo. Su trabajo es esencial para reducir costos y cumplir con los plazos.

3. Analista de Logística

Este perfil se centra en el análisis de datos y métricas para mejorar los procesos. Utiliza herramientas tecnológicas para identificar áreas de mejora en la cadena de suministro.

4. Responsable de Inventarios

Asegura que los niveles de inventario sean los adecuados, minimizando costos de almacenamiento y evitando rupturas de stock.

5. Especialista en Atención al Cliente

Trabaja directamente con los clientes para resolver problemas, gestionar devoluciones y garantizar una experiencia positiva.

La tecnología como aliada del departamento de logística

En la actualidad, herramientas como Routal son fundamentales para los departamentos de logística. Al optimizar rutas de transporte, automatizar la planificación y ofrecer análisis en tiempo real, permiten a los equipos trabajar de manera más eficiente y centrarse en tareas estratégicas.


El departamento de logística es una pieza clave en el engranaje de cualquier empresa que gestione productos. Sus funciones van más allá del transporte; implican una planificación estratégica, análisis constante y atención al cliente. Además, los perfiles que integran este equipo aportan habilidades únicas que permiten que cada eslabón de la cadena de suministro funcione a la perfección.

Con herramientas tecnológicas adecuadas, como Routal, el éxito de este departamento está más asegurado que nunca.

¿Tu empresa busca optimizar su logística última milla?

Descubre cómo Routal puede ayudarte a reducir costos, mejorar tiempos de entrega y elevar la satisfacción del cliente. 🚛✨

Imagen sugerida

Un diseño moderno que represente a un equipo de logística en acción, mostrando una combinación de tecnología y trabajo humano. Idealmente, un mapa digital en pantalla, un almacén organizado y personas planificando rutas o supervisando procesos.

¿Qué opinas? ¿Añadirías más perfiles o funciones? Escríbenos en los comentarios.

Departamento de Logística: Funciones y Perfiles Principales
La gestión de rutas de transporte abarca desde el picking y la planificación hasta la entrega y comunicación con el cliente, enfrentando desafíos como errores, retrasos y rutas ineficientes. Herramientas como Routal optimizan cada etapa al sincronizar pedidos, planificar rutas en tiempo real y automatizar la comunicación con los destinatarios. Esto reduce costos, mejora la puntualidad y eleva la satisfacción del cliente.
Gestión de rutas de transporte: Cómo optimizar cada paso

La gestión de rutas de transporte es un proceso clave en la logística moderna, especialmente en la última milla, donde cada minuto cuenta para satisfacer las expectativas del cliente. Desde el picking hasta la entrega final, cada paso en la cadena puede presentar desafíos que impacten la eficiencia. En este artículo, analizaremos cada etapa del proceso, los retos asociados y cómo herramientas como Routal pueden transformar la gestión de rutas de transporte en una operación ágil y efectiva.

1. Picking y preparación del pedido

El picking es el primer paso en la gestión de una ruta de transporte. Implica la selección de los productos correctos en el almacén para cumplir con un pedido específico. Una preparación eficiente asegura que los productos estén listos para su envío en el menor tiempo posible.

Retos comunes:

• Errores en la selección de productos.

• Falta de sincronización entre el almacén y el transporte.

• Tiempos muertos en la preparación del pedido.

Solución con tecnología:

Con una herramienta como Routal, puedes integrar los sistemas de gestión de inventarios para sincronizar la preparación del pedido con la planificación de rutas. Además, se pueden optimizar las asignaciones para garantizar que los pedidos estén listos justo a tiempo para el transporte.

2. Planificación de rutas

El diseño de rutas óptimas es el corazón de la gestión del transporte. Implica organizar los destinos en un orden que minimice los tiempos de viaje y reduzca costos.

Retos comunes:

• Tráfico imprevisto o condiciones climáticas adversas.

• Cambios de última hora en pedidos o direcciones.

• Falta de visibilidad sobre el estado de los vehículos y conductores.

Solución con tecnología:

Routal utiliza algoritmos avanzados de optimización que consideran factores como el tráfico en tiempo real, restricciones de entrega y la capacidad de los vehículos. Esto no solo reduce los kilómetros recorridos, sino que también mejora la puntualidad en las entregas.

3. Transporte y entrega final

Una vez en ruta, la entrega final representa el contacto directo con el cliente y, a menudo, es el momento más crítico.

Retos comunes:

• Localización difícil de los destinos.

• Frustración del cliente por retrasos o falta de comunicación.

• Problemas de accesibilidad en ciertas áreas.

Solución con tecnología:

Con Routal, los conductores pueden acceder a mapas detallados y actualizados, recibir notificaciones de cambios en tiempo real y comunicarse con los clientes directamente a través de la plataforma. Además, los clientes pueden rastrear su pedido y recibir alertas sobre la hora estimada de llegada (ETA).

4. Monitorización en tiempo real

La capacidad de supervisar las rutas en tiempo real es clave para identificar problemas y solucionarlos antes de que afecten la experiencia del cliente.

Retos comunes:

• Falta de visibilidad sobre el estado de la entrega.

• Respuesta lenta ante incidencias como retrasos o averías.

Solución con tecnología:

Routal ofrece una plataforma centralizada donde los gestores pueden monitorear el progreso de cada entrega en tiempo real. Con esta información, es posible redirigir rutas, reasignar pedidos o informar proactivamente al cliente en caso de retrasos.

5. Comunicación con el destinatario

Una comunicación clara y oportuna es fundamental para garantizar una experiencia satisfactoria para el cliente.

Retos comunes:

• Falta de actualizaciones sobre el estado del pedido.

• Dificultad para coordinar entregas en horarios específicos.

Solución con tecnología:

Routal permite automatizar mensajes para mantener a los clientes informados en cada etapa del proceso. Desde el momento en que el pedido se recoge hasta que se entrega, los clientes pueden recibir notificaciones personalizadas que los mantienen al tanto.

Retos generales en la gestión de rutas de transporte

Costos operativos elevados debido a rutas ineficientes o tiempos muertos.

Expectativas crecientes de los clientes, especialmente en entregas rápidas y rastreables.

Impacto ambiental, con un aumento de la presión para reducir la huella de carbono en el transporte.

Cómo Routal transforma la gestión de rutas

Con Routal, cada etapa del proceso está diseñada para funcionar en sincronía. Desde la optimización de rutas hasta la comunicación con los clientes, Routal ofrece soluciones integrales que mejoran la eficiencia operativa y aumentan la satisfacción del cliente.

Reducción de costos: Rutas más cortas y entregas más rápidas.

Visibilidad total: Datos en tiempo real para tomar decisiones informadas.

Automatización de tareas: Menos carga administrativa y más tiempo para enfocarse en lo estratégico.

Optimizar la gestión de rutas de transporte no es solo una ventaja competitiva, es una necesidad en un mercado en constante evolución. ¿Estás listo para llevar tu logística al siguiente nivel?

Descubre cómo Routal puede ser tu aliado perfecto. 🚀

Gestión de rutas de transporte: Cómo optimizar cada paso
A delivery route planner optimizes time, reduces costs, improves customer satisfaction and increases operational efficiency, making it a key tool for any logistics business.
Delivery Route Planner: Advantages that Transform Your Business

In a world where speed and efficiency are essential, having a delivery route planner it is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for any business that depends on last-mile logistics. Whether you're managing a fleet of 5 or 500 vehicles, these tools can make a difference in your daily operation. Below, we explain the main advantages of incorporating a route planner in your company.

1. Optimization of time and resources

An automated route planner calculates the most efficient routes taking into account variables such as the location of destinations, real-time traffic, delivery restrictions and vehicle capacities.

Outcome: fewer kilometers traveled, less fuel spent and less time wasted on unnecessary roads.

💡 Example: If you previously needed 8 hours to cover all your deliveries, with a planner you can reduce that time to 6 hours, while maintaining the same quality of service.

2. Reduction of operating costs

Fuel, vehicle maintenance and working hours are among the highest costs in logistics. By optimizing routes, a planner reduces fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear, in addition to minimizing staff overtime.

Statistics: Companies that implement route planners report up to a 30% savings in logistics costs.

3. Improved customer satisfaction

Accurate delivery times and the ability to provide real-time updates to your customers are essential to improving their experience.

• With a planner, you can let them know of a Exact time window for delivery or to allow them track your order in real time.

• An informed customer is a happy customer and more likely to repeat the purchase.

4. Flexibility for unforeseen events

What if there's an unexpected traffic jam or an urgent last-minute delivery? Modern planners automatically adapt to changes in route conditions, offering real-time solutions.

• This ensures that your team can react quickly and meet expectations, even under adverse circumstances.

5. Increase in team productivity

Automating route planning frees your operations managers from tedious tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic activities.

• In addition, drivers receive clear and optimized routes, making their work easier and reducing the stress associated with complicated deliveries.

6. Environmental sustainability

By reducing the distance traveled and fuel consumption, you decrease your carbon footprint.

Fun fact: Studies indicate that companies that use route planners reduce by an average of 20% of their CO2 emissions.

Adopting efficient tools not only benefits your business, but also the planet.

7. Data analysis and continuous improvement

The best route planners don't just plot routes; they also provide detailed reports on delivery performance, fuel consumption and driving times.

• With this data, you can identify areas for improvement and make decisions based on concrete information to continuously optimize your operations.

Conclusion: Beyond logistics, a competitive advantage

A delivery route planner is much more than an operational tool; it's a strategic investment that transforms the way you manage your deliveries. From reducing costs to improving the customer experience, the benefits are obvious.

At Routal, we know how important it is to maintain agile and efficient operations. That's why we offer a route planner that not only optimizes your deliveries, but also helps you grow in a sustainable way.

💡 Ready to take the leap to efficiency? Request a free demo and find out how we can help!

What do you think? Leave us your comments or share this article with someone who needs to optimize their deliveries. 👇

Delivery Route Planner: Advantages that Transform Your Business
A courier is a specialized transportation service that guarantees fast, safe and reliable deliveries, adapting to the needs of each business with local, national or international options. To choose the ideal one, it is key to prioritize coverage, flexibility and, above all, the ability to offer customers real-time monitoring with an estimated time of arrival, improving the experience and avoiding failed deliveries.
What is a Courier, what functions does it have and how do you choose the ideal one for your company?

In the world of logistics, the term Courier has become essential, especially in a market where promptness and customer satisfaction are key to the success of any business. But what does “courier” really mean? What are their functions and how do you choose the right one for your company? Here we explain it.

What is a Courier?

A courier is a service that specializes in transporting and delivering packages, documents, or other products, generally with a focus on speed, security, and reliability. Unlike traditional postal services, couriers often offer shorter delivery times, detailed tracking, and personalized support.

The courier can be an internal service of a company (for example, its own fleet) or an external provider specialized in deliveries, and its role extends beyond simply transporting products. Your quality of service directly influences the customer's perception of your brand.

Main functions of a Courier

Couriers perform multiple essential tasks to ensure efficient deliveries and ensure customer satisfaction:

1. Package Pickup: From the point of origin (warehouse, store or office) to the place of destination.

2. Home delivery: Either to the end customer or to a pre-established collection point.

3. Time management: They respect specific time windows to suit the recipient's needs.

4. Tracking and monitoring: They provide real-time updates on the status of the shipment.

5. Customer Support: They respond to questions or incidents related to deliveries.

6. Returns and reverse logistics: They handle returned products or merchandise changes.

Types of Couriers

There are several types of couriers that adapt to the needs of different companies and sectors. Some of the most common are:

1. Local Couriers: They operate in specific areas and are ideal for quick deliveries to nearby urban or rural areas. They usually offer competitive rates and short response times.

2. National Couriers: They cover deliveries within a country, handling interurban routes and ensuring reliable delivery times over longer distances.

3. International Couriers: Specialized in shipments between countries, they offer services such as customs management and air or sea transport.

4. Couriers express: Focused on urgent deliveries, these services usually guarantee same-day delivery or less than 24 hours.

5. Specialized couriers: They are adapted to specific needs, such as transporting food, medicines, confidential documents or fragile products.

How to choose the ideal courier for your company?

Choosing the right courier can make a difference in customer satisfaction and the operational success of your business. Here are some key things to consider:

1. Speed of delivery: Evaluate if the courier can meet the delivery times you promise your customers. Express couriers, for example, are ideal if your company needs immediate assistance.

2. Coverage:Make sure that the courier covers the areas where you operate and that it has the capacity to expand to new areas if your business grows.

3. Real-time tracking: A courier that offers real-time updates, such as GPS tracking and accurate time of arrival (ETA) estimate, builds trust and improves the customer experience.

4. Flexibility: Look for a courier that can adapt to the characteristics of your business: last-minute changes, night deliveries or specific requirements such as handling sensitive products.

5. Reviews and reputation: Research the opinions of other customers to understand the quality of the service offered by the courier. Reviews and testimonials can be a good indicator.

6. Technological integration: A courier that can integrate with your order management systems (ERP, CRM or ecommerce platforms) can optimize your processes and reduce errors.

7. Cost: While it's important to find a cost-effective service, don't sacrifice quality to save a few euros. The impact of a poor delivery can be more costly.

Why Real-Time Tracking Is Key

Today, customers don't just want to receive their orders quickly, they also want to know when exactly they will arrive. Having a courier that allows you to provide real-time updates, including notifications of the estimated time of arrival (ETA), helps to:

Reduce uncertainty: Customers can plan their day with confidence.

Prevent failed deliveries: By knowing when the order will arrive, customers can be available to receive it.

Improve the customer experience: Transparency builds trust and increases satisfaction.

Tools such as Routal, which integrate real-time monitoring, customer communication and route optimization, can facilitate this task and ensure successful deliveries. Prioritize those that have this type of technology, they will provide a better service to your customer and that will make your customers want to repeat.


Choosing the ideal courier for your company is not a task you should take lightly. This logistics ally not only affects your operation, but also the perception that customers have of your brand. Carefully evaluate the available options, prioritizing aspects such as coverage, flexibility and, above all, the ability to keep your customers informed in real time.

If you want to maximize the quality of your delivery service, consider implementing technological tools that integrate planning, monitoring and communication with the customer. An informed customer is a satisfied customer, and a satisfied customer always returns.

What is a Courier, what functions does it have and how do you choose the ideal one for your company?
Routal has obtained SOC 2 certification, a global standard that guarantees the security, confidentiality and privacy of our clients' data. This includes advanced controls such as encryption, continuous monitoring and external audits that protect against cyberattacks and facilitate compliance with regulations such as the GDPR. With SOC 2, we reaffirm our commitment to data protection and the trust of our users at every stage of last-mile logistics.
Security of your logistics data in Routal: SOC 2 a New Level of Trust

In the world of logistics and last-mile planning, trust and data security are essential. Routal has taken a significant step in this regard by obtaining SOC 2 certification, a standard that demonstrates our commitment to protecting our customers' data. But what exactly does this certification mean and how does it benefit those who use our platform? We'll tell you about it.

What is SOC 2?

SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) is a global standard developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), designed to evaluate security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy controls in systems that manage customer data.

The SOC 2 certification not only guarantees that a company meets strict technical requirements, but it also ensures that its daily operation is aligned with the best practices in security.

What does SOC 2 certification mean for Routal?

To obtain this certification, Routal has implemented advanced controls and processes that ensure security at every level of data management. This includes:
1. Advanced encryption: All sensitive data is protected with end-to-end encryption, both in transit and at rest. This means that our customers' information is safe even in the event of unauthorized access.
2. Ongoing monitoring: We have adopted tools and procedures that monitor our operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to detect and neutralize potential threats before they can become problems.
3. Controlled access: Only authorized personnel have access to the most sensitive systems, and these accesses are regularly audited.
4. Independent Audits: SOC 2 certification requires regular reviews by external auditors to ensure that we maintain our security standards.

How do you improve data security for our customers?

Implementing SOC 2 has direct benefits for those who trust Routal:
Protection against cyberattacks: Cyberattacks in the logistics industry are becoming more frequent. With SOC 2, Routal ensures that your information will be protected against these risks.
Trust for large customers: Companies that handle significant volumes of data, such as retailers, logistics operators and last-mile suppliers, can rest easy knowing that their data is in the hands of a partner that meets the highest standards.
Regulatory Compliance: If your company must comply with regulations such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), working with a SOC 2 provider makes it easy to demonstrate that your customer data is well protected.
Transparency: With the SOC 2 certification, Routal can demonstrate in a clear and documented way that our security processes are regularly audited by independent third parties.

Example of a security improvement through Multifactor Authentication that ensures that a user cannot be impersonated by brute force

Beyond SOC 2: Our Ongoing Commitment

Obtaining SOC 2 certification is just the beginning. At Routal, we understand that data security is not a destination, but rather an ongoing process. That's why we continue to invest in technology, training and constant improvements to ensure that your data is always protected.


By obtaining SOC 2 certification, Routal reinforces its commitment to the safety and trust of its customers. In an environment where data protection is key, this certification not only marks a milestone in our evolution, but it also ensures that we can continue to be your reliable ally in planning and optimizing the last mile.

If you have questions about how Routal protects your data or want to know more about our SOC 2 certification, contact us! We're here to help.

Security of your logistics data in Routal: SOC 2 a New Level of Trust
In this video, we show you how to plan delivery routes over multiple days using Routal, an essential tool for optimizing logistics operations. You'll see how to configure delivery days and times, organize orders, allocate resources, and optimize routes to maximize the efficiency of your drivers and vehicles. We'll also explore key functions such as order prioritization, real-time monitoring, and how to analyze the performance of your routes at the end. If you need to improve the accuracy and efficiency of your long-term deliveries, this tutorial is for you!
Plan routes over multiple days

Planning multi-day delivery routes is essential for logistics operations that must optimize resource use, improve driver efficiency, and ensure timely delivery of large scale orders. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use Routal to plan multi-day routes, adapting to each day's delivery and resource needs.

Check out this explanatory video or follow the step by step of this easy process:

Step 1: Access the route planner

1. Sign in in your Routal account.
2. Go to the Route Planning section in the main menu.
3. Create New Route Plan, selecting the multi-day planning option.

Step 2: Define your driver planning parameters

For multi-day routes, Routal allows you to specify:
• Delivery time: Define the time intervals in which deliveries will take place, taking into account the availability windows of your customers.
• Driver capacity and schedule: Specify the number of vehicles available, the working hours of each driver, so that Routal can assign appropriate routes based on these parameters.

Step 3: Plan and organize stops

1. Import the orders in XLS format or synchronize them directly with your management system.
2. Routal allows you to group orders by zone or urgency.
3. Be sure to specify any special requirements, such as time restrictions on deliveries or customer preferences.

Step 4: Follow the process for multiple days

For effective multi-day planning:

• Plan a day and any unassigned stops, move them to a new schedule corresponding to the second day
• Repeat this process as many times as days you want to plan.

Step 5: Review and adjust plans

After optimization, Routal will generate a visual calendar of planned days and routes. Review each route and adjust if necessary:
• Drag and drop deliveries from one day to the next if you need to make manual adjustments to the schedule.
• Use the map view to observe the routes and ensure that the distribution is logical and efficient.

Once you're happy with the schedule, save and confirm the plan.

Step 6: Monitor execution in real time

During the week of deliveries or visits, you can use Routal's Real-Time Monitoring tool to:
• Keep track of each route and the status of each delivery.
• Receive alerts of possible delays or detours to make quick decisions and minimize problems.
• Make adjustments to daily routes according to the situation in real time, reassigning orders or adjusting schedules.

Step 7: Analyze the Results

At the end, Routal provides detailed reports to evaluate the efficiency of the plan over multiple days:
• Delivery time report: shows the actual time spent versus the estimated time.
• Route efficiency report: measures the distance traveled versus the planned distance, helping you to refine your planning for future routes.

These reports will help you identify areas for improvement and further optimize your routes in future planning.


With Routal, multi-day route planning becomes a structured and efficient process. Take advantage of these tools to maximize resources and achieve accurate and timely deliveries in long-term operations.

Plan routes over multiple days
Reverse logistics manages returns and recycling in the supply chain, optimizing resources and improving sustainability. With Routal, companies can integrate Pick-up & Delivery functionality, combining collections and deliveries on a single route to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.
Reverse Logistics: Definition, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages, and Solutions with Routal

In the world of logistics and distribution, one of the most complex and necessary aspects to manage is reverse logistics. But what exactly is it? What types are there and how can we optimize it to add value to the business and improve customer satisfaction? In this article, we'll address these points and explain how Routal's Pick-up & Delivery functionality can make a difference by integrating returns into regular delivery routes.

What is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse logistics is the process of managing the flow of goods from the end consumer to the origin, either the manufacturer, the distributor, or somewhere in between. This mainly occurs due to product returns, recycling, repair, or disposal of unsold or defective products. In simple terms, reverse logistics focuses on what happens after the sale, allowing products to follow an efficient and sustainable return flow.

Types of Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics encompasses several operations, including:
1. Product Returns: This is the most common type. It occurs when customers return products for a variety of reasons, such as dissatisfaction, order error, or product defects.
2. Recycling and Reuse: Many companies have implemented the collection of used products for recycling or reuse. A typical example is the collection of electronic devices or batteries, which require specific treatment for processing.
3. Product Recovery: It includes the repair and refurbishment of returned products so that they can be sold again or used again. This type of reverse logistics is common in sectors such as technology and automotive.
4. Surplus Management: When there is excess inventory or off-season products, reverse logistics allows these products to be returned to the manufacturer or redistributed to other markets.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics has multiple benefits, but it also involves significant challenges. Next, we look at both sides:

• Improved customer satisfaction: The ease of returning products promotes trust and improves the shopping experience.
• Cost reduction: Recycling and reuse can reduce material costs and minimize waste.
• Contribution to sustainability: Product recovery and recycling helps companies meet their sustainability and environmental responsibility objectives.
• Additional revenue opportunity: Refurbished or recycled products can generate additional revenue or reduce manufacturing costs.

• Management complexity: Coordinating returns involves different logistics than normal distribution and requires an effective workflow.
• Increased costs: If not properly managed, reverse logistics can lead to high storage and transportation costs.
• Impact on operational efficiency: The collection and processing of returned products can interfere with normal logistics processes, reducing efficiency.

How to Solve Reverse Logistics Challenges with Routal

Routal has been designed with the flexibility and efficiency that companies need to integrate reverse logistics without wasting time or resources. One of the great differentiators of Routal is its Pick-up & Delivery functionality, which allows you to combine delivery and collection routes in the same route in an intelligent way.

How does it work?

Routal's Pick-up & Delivery functionality makes it easy to collect returned or recyclable products while regular deliveries are being made. This means that drivers don't need to travel additional routes just to pick up returns, but they can plan these pickups as part of their deliveries, taking into account the vehicle's ability to maximize resource use and reduce costs.

Benefits of Pick-up & Delivery for Reverse Logistics

1. Route Optimization: The Pick-up & Delivery function integrates pickups and deliveries into efficient routes, minimizing the time and distance traveled by each driver.
2. Reducing Operating Costs: By optimizing reverse logistics within delivery routes, fuel consumption and vehicle wear are reduced.
3. Increased Customer Satisfaction: The customer can manage the return of products at the same time they receive a new order, which facilitates the process and improves the user experience.
4. Simplicity in Coordination: Routal allows the planning team to manage and monitor collections and deliveries in real time, ensuring that the entire logistics process is controlled on a single panel.


Reverse logistics has become a crucial component in today's supply chain, driven by the demand for sustainability and consumer expectations for convenience. However, its efficient management requires specialized tools and strategies. With Routal and its Pick-up & Delivery functionality, companies can integrate returns and collections into their delivery routes, achieving greater operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Routal not only simplifies reverse logistics, but it transforms it into a competitive advantage, improving the customer experience and contributing to more sustainable logistics.

Contact us and we'll show you how easy it is to manage reverse logistics in your operations.

Reverse Logistics: Definition, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages, and Solutions with Routal
Efficient picking allows you to quickly prepare orders and optimize last-mile delivery. By combining orderly picking with good route planning, search and delivery time is reduced, costs and customer satisfaction are improved. This is key to maximizing efficiency in logistics operations.
What is Picking and How to Do It Efficiently?

In the world of logistics, the term “picking” refers to the selection and preparation of products that are part of an order. This process, which at first glance may seem simple, is essential in the supply chain and can have a direct impact on the efficiency of last-mile deliveries. In this article, we'll explore what picking is, why it's so important, and some best practices to optimize it and facilitate delivery work.

What is Picking?

Picking is the process by which an operator selects and organizes the products of a specific order to prepare them for shipment. This process involves identifying the right items in the warehouse, picking them up and packaging them so that they are ready to be transported to the customer. Efficient picking not only reduces order preparation time, but it also minimizes errors, thus improving customer satisfaction.

Worker picking orders in a warehouse

Why is Picking Important in Last Mile Delivery?

Messy or inefficient picking can lead to delays, delivery errors and, ultimately, a poor customer experience. This is especially critical in last-mile delivery, where every minute counts to meet customer deadlines and expectations. In addition, an orderly preparation makes it easier for delivery people to find packages quickly inside the van, reducing downtime and avoiding confusion along the way.

Efficient picking achieves:

Optimize deliveryers' time: With well-organized picking, packages are found faster and in the correct order inside the vehicle.
Reduce delivery errors: By minimizing the possibility of an incorrect package being prepared or placed in the wrong place, delivery accuracy is improved.
Improve the customer experience: A well-done picking helps to ensure that orders arrive on time and in full.

How to Carry Out Picking Efficiently?

Below, we share some of the best practices for optimizing picking and maximizing the efficiency of the order preparation process:

1. Organize the Warehouse with Logical Picking Routes

Designing a warehouse with a logical organization, which prioritizes the most popular items near picking areas, can significantly reduce search time. Creating picking routes that minimize travel and optimize movements helps operators work faster and more effectively.

2. Implement Picking Systems by Zones or Lots

There are different picking methods, such as zone picking, where the warehouse is divided into sections assigned to different operators, or batch picking, in which several similar orders are grouped together to collect several items at the same time. Selecting the appropriate method based on the type and volume of orders can improve the speed of the process.

3. Using Technology to Guide Picking

Technology plays a crucial role in modernizing picking. Solutions such as voice picking systems, barcode scanners, and mobile applications help operators find exact products quickly. This minimizes errors, streamlines the process and allows for a real-time update of the status of each order.

4. Efficient Package Labeling and Sorting

Once the items have been picked up, it's essential to clearly label the packages, with information such as the customer's name, delivery address and order number. This makes it easier to load the van and allows the delivery person to identify each package at a glance.

5. Loading the Van in Delivery Order

The way packages are loaded into the van is key to optimizing the last mile. Organizing packages in the order in which they will be delivered reduces the time the deliveryman needs to search for them and avoids loading errors. This method also helps the driver to take a faster route without unnecessary interruptions.

6. Train Picking Staff

A well-trained team is essential for efficient picking. Operators must understand the importance of precision and speed in the picking process, as well as the best practices for handling products and available technology.

Picking and the Last Mile: A Crucial Relationship

Well-organized picking not only speeds up order preparation, but it directly boosts efficiency in the delivery phase. Thanks to an orderly and efficient picking process, the delivery team quickly finds packages in the van, reducing the time at each stop and improving the experience for both customers and delivery people. Integrating good practices in picking allows logistics and e-commerce companies to optimize their last mile, reducing costs and making the process much smoother.

In addition, the route planning is an essential pillar in this process: by organizing packages according to the optimal route, the need to reorganize the vehicle is avoided and a load is provided in the appropriate order of delivery. This synchronization between picking and route planning saves time for the delivery person, who can complete their route without delays or wasted time searching for packages or making adjustments to their route. Ultimately, the combination of efficient picking and route planning reduces operating costs, improves delivery times, and allows companies to offer a more timely and optimized service, thus increasing customer satisfaction and maximizing logistics resources.

What is Picking and How to Do It Efficiently?

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