Savinco ❤️ Routal

Today we bring an article that fills us with pride, we are very grateful to have met the team of Savinco and to be able to do our bit to the incredible social impact project that they are carrying out in Peru and Ecuador.
The case of Savinco Social Finance and how they create better futures in Latin America:

Most residents of rural areas of these countries face 3 problems when managing their income, the first is that There is no habit of saving which translates into a constant vulnerability because it does not generate a fund that they can access in the face of any need. The second problem is that, due to their low incomes and poor economic stability, banks and other financial institutions They deny the delivery of credits, but even when they do, we come to the third problem, which is the lack of financial education so this credit can cause more difficulties than solutions.
The mission of Savinco is to improve the quality of life of families through financial inclusion, they achieve this by providing a comprehensive solution that directly attacks the 3 problems mentioned, the first thing they do is form groups of between 15 and 40 people that function as a support network that meets once a month. These groups receive training on how to manage their finances by qualified coaches, at each monthly meeting of the group Savinco receives savings from each of the members and provides them with access to credit with better conditions than the market.
To manage all this, they use their technology. Qmobile a software that allows users to track their progress, their money movements and, above all, to make the entire process transparent.
The project of Savinco It bears the name of “Save to learn” and it opens the door for these people to achieve financial independence, but how big is this project?
These are currently the numbers:

The most surprising thing about these numbers is that they weren't enough for Savinco, they were still determined to provide more tools to their groups and decided to create Savinco Rural, a platform that operates in Ecuador to sell products between its groups. They carry tomatoes, lemons, passion fruit, corn and even honey that they buy in some groups to resell in others, creating their own market and boosting income capacity among their members.
This is when it comes in Routal, with hundreds of different locations for each group and more than 19,000 members, it became very difficult to manage product shipments and movements. Our software allowed you to Savinco optimize their daily routes in order to reach more people and bring smiles where there were none before.
We invite you to follow this beautiful project on:
If you too have a social project that you think we can contribute to, don't hesitate to contact us!