
The impact of localization in eines of planning and deployment of Catalan as a new language to Routal Planner

The impact of localization in eines of planning and deployment of Catalan as a new language to Routal Planner

In an increasingly globalized world, digital eines are faced with an important challenge: reaching a diverse audience, with specific linguistic needs and preferences. Localization, which does not include translation, but also the cultural and functional adaptation of a program to different linguistic contexts, is a fundamental factor for the success of a platform. In the area of logistics and planning the race mile, with every second and every detail, working in the mateix language that the users make the operation more fluid, clear and efficient.

At Routal, we are aware of the importance of offering a personalized and accessible user experience. It is per això that they are delighted to announce that for users they can use Planner in Catalan, in addition to other languages available on the platform (Castellà, Anglès and Portuguese). But why is localization so important on planning platforms such as Routal? How does the Catalan language benefit our Catalan-speaking users?

Why is localization key in a planning platform?

1. Improved accuracy and understanding: When working in the proper language, ambiguities are reduced and errors due to lack of understanding are avoided in planning and operating processes. Això is especially relevant in platforms that manage complex tasks, such as the creation of itineraries or the optimization of delivery routes.

2. Increase productivity and agility: Local language interfaces allow plugin users to work more quickly and naturally, accelerating the learning process of the platform and helping the puguin teams to focus on the seven tasks of afegit value.

3. Connection to the end client: In the last mile, the final customer is a fundamental piece. Through Routal, customers can follow the status of their liuraments, receive notifications and provide feedback. Offering this communication in the client's preferred language generates a more comfortable and satisfying experience, which in turn translates into greater loyalty and trust for the company.

4. Cultural adaptation for a better user experience: In addition to translation, localization also includes visual elements, date and time formats, or style preferences. These small details make the user feel the platform as their own, adjusted to their strict expectations and customs.

L'impacte del català a Routal Planner: what does this novelty suppose?

The addition of Catalan to Routal Planner represents a unique opportunity for Catalan-speaking businesses and users. These are some of the benefits:

Integration facility for local teams: With Catalan as an option, operations and planning teams can use language in a language that is closest to them, which facilitates training and helps avoid misunderstandings in route management.

Improved communication with clients and drivers: Notifications, follow-up messages and satisfaction surveys can be sent in Catalan, offering end customers a more appropriate and respectful service with their own language, a value afegit for many local companies.

Contribution to linguistic standardization: For many companies, the inclusion of Catalan in an international platform also has an important symbolic component. With this new option, Routal shows its commitment to integrating itself into the linguistic and cultural reality of its users, contributing to the normalization of Catalan in the business and technological fields.

How to activate the Catalan language in Routal Planner?

Activating català to Routal Planner is easy. Un cop a l'aplicació, només cal anar a Settings > Language i select català dins from the options menu. In this way, the interface, the planning axes and all the communications related to the lliuraments will automatically adapt to the selected language.

Final Reflections

The addition of Catalan to Routal Planner is another step in our commitment to offering a complete, optimized and accessible experience to users of all kinds. Localization does not only improve the efficiency of operations, but rather creates a closer relationship between the company and its clients and teams. This project has been possible thanks to the support of Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, which has been a fundamental ally for realizing the integration of the Catalan language into Routal Planner.

Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia

With this plan, Routal reaffirms our commitment to cultural inclusion and adaptation as the pillars of our expansion. Expect that this new canvi continues to be of great help to Catalan-speaking entrepreneurs and users, and encourage us to try and experience the benefits of working in your language. Thank you for trusting us for the management of the Milla race!

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