¿Por qué elegir Routal vs SimpliRoute?

Si estás buscando alternativas a Simpliroute, estás en el lugar correcto. En Routal podrás hacer tu trabajo más rápido, sencillo y con ayuda constante.

Empezar ahora gratis
eligen sencillo, rápido y eficiente

¿En qué nos diferenciamos?

La misión de Routal es que sus clientes resuelva su problema de forma Rápida, Sencilla y Eficientemente, con soporte constante para ahorrar tiempo, costes y poder hacer crecer el negocio.

Ofrecemos planes con precios cerrados, sin sorpresas y con todo el soporte necesario para sentirte acompañado en todo momento a través de nuestro chat de forma totalmente personalizada.

Lo que nos diferencia de SimpliRoute es la facilidad de uso, la atención personalizada y la rápida implementación de la solución.
Pruébanos, (es gratis) y notarás la diferencia.


Interfaz amigable, intuitiva y fácil de usar. Lo implemerás en menos de una hora
Precio sencillo adaptado a tu operativa. Sube y baja licencias cuando lo necesites.
Webapp: No necesitas instalar nada, funciona en cualquier dispositivo y consume pocos datos. Formarás a tus conductores en menos de 3 minutos
Logística inversa: mezcla tus recogidas y entregas en la misma ruta.
Soporte constante a través de Chat y te contestaremos en menos de 3 minutos. Documentación ultra detallada para ir aun más rápido


Interfaz compleja, curva de aprendizaje mucho más lenta.
Desde 40$ por vehículo (sin integraciones, soporte reducido, ...)  
App instalable: Todos los conductores deberán instalar una app, con todo el trabajo que supone. Consumiendo espacio, recursos y más datos (y puede que no sea compatible con su teléfono)
No podrás gestionar la logística inversa, o tendrás que hacerlo de forma manual
Soporte limitado y muy saturado (según comentarios de algunos clientes)

Automate all your last-mile processes

You'll have all the parameters you need to give you the best results instantly.

Finally a simple planner that you can use today.

Routal dashboardRoutal dashboard

The drivers they only need a cell phone and internet access.

Routal dashboardRoutal dashboard

Raise the customer experience.
Precise updates.

Routal dashboardRoutal dashboard

Historias de éxito, resultados transformadores.


The largest biofuel producer in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe.

600 collection points

They supply more than 200 service stations.


Increased productivity.


Savings in distribution costs

Quaker State

The most important company that produces lubricating oils in Mexico.

Goodbye to paper

After the implementation of Routal, manual planning was abandoned.

Just 10 minutes

The planning of all routes for all vehicles was drastically reduced.

8 fewer vehicles

Route planning and optimization made it possible to reduce the number of vehicles needed.

Alfil Logistics

One of the leading logistics companies in Spain with more than 400 employees.

300,000 annual deliveries

They manage more than 450,000 m2 of storage in Spain.


Increased productivity by reducing vehicles on the road


Savings in logistics costs


Companies specializing in logistics solutions for waste collection in the Madrid area.

5,000 tons

They manage the treatment of organic waste, packaging and all types of materials.


Increased productivity in the office and on the road.


It saves on fuel and CO₂ emissions.

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

It is one of the most important hospitals in Barcelona. It is located in one of the areas of the city with the highest traffic. They offer the service of transfers to patients and home care.

25,000 hospitalizations per year

The hospital discharges of these people to take them home can involve thousands of trips.

14 minutes

Average number of minutes saved per trip.


Routal has allowed us to save 21% in logistics costs, improve on-time deliveries to more than 96%, and have our customers more satisfied with the service on a daily basis.

Rui Domingos
COO of Canasta Rosa
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Quaker State

During Covid, we realized that it was essential to standardize the delivery procedure. Thanks to the Routal planner, we were able to unify processes.

José Miguel Muñoz Gandara
Director of Internal Control.
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Quaker State
Alfil Logistics

We chose Routal because they are integrated into our company's systems and encompass several processes in a single tool. From route planning to final delivery to the consumer.

Carlos Górriz
New Project Technician at Alfil Logistics
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Alfil Logistics

Waste collection is a highly regulated sector. The traceability of waste is essential. Routal is an essential tool for our daily lives.

Andrea Castillo
CEO of Recoambiente.
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Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Routal has allowed us to save 21% in logistics costs, improve on-time deliveries to more than 96%, and have our customers more satisfied with the service on a daily basis.

Dra. Àstrid Batlle
Responsible for the A Casa unit.
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Hospital Sant Joan de Déu